Top Down vs. Bottom Up? Which one you'd prefer?

Hello girls.

Recently, I discovered that I tend to be naturally detail-oriented kind of person when it comes to solving a problem in programming. Basically, this means that I tend to sort of "overanalyze" every each line of the code so that I'd understand each line deeper and so that it'd give me further understanding on "how" each code relates with one another. In simple terms, it basically called "Bottom Up" approach.

Bottom Up - is a method where I take a small piece of the code, understand that part, and further relate it to another code, thus making me further understand the bigger picture. 

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How to start mixing both approach so that I can be more efficient at my work while still building strong foundational understanding, approach suggested by chatgpt:

  • Start with "Big Picture" Mapping: Begin by mapping out the key functions and interactions in your code at a high level, especially if you're working with a new piece of code. Think of this as creating a quick "roadmap" that shows what each major section or function is responsible for. Visual tools like flowcharts or even quick hand-drawn sketches can help make the relationships clearer and reduce the need to dive into every line immediately.

  • Focus on Key Lines and Patterns First: Instead of analyzing every line, identify the lines or blocks that are crucial to the function's purpose—such as variable initialization, main logic conditions, and return statements. Look for common patterns in your language or framework (like promise handling in AngularJS, or row callbacks in DataTables) and focus on understanding those patterns deeply, as they often recur. Once you recognize the pattern, you can apply that knowledge to similar blocks of code without needing to analyze them in the same depth each time.

  • Use the Debugger and Console to Observe Code in Action: Rather than only reading through the code, try observing it as it runs. Using breakpoints and inspecting variable values step-by-step can help you see what each line does and how data flows through the function. This is often faster than analyzing line-by-line because it lets you interact with the code directly, spot issues, and see immediate effects, which can clarify purpose quickly.

  • Ask "What" and "Why" Instead of Just "How": When reviewing each line, try to first ask:

    • "What is this line supposed to accomplish?" (e.g., assign a value, make an API call, etc.)
    • "Why is this line necessary?" (e.g., why this particular value is assigned, why this check is needed)

    Answering these helps you gain insight into each line's purpose without getting too caught up in every detail of "how" it works, which you can explore only if needed.

  • Chunk Your Learning Using Small Experiments: If you find certain lines or code blocks challenging to understand, try creating small, isolated examples of that concept in a separate sandbox or project. For example, if you’re learning how $q.defer() works in AngularJS, write a tiny program just for that, focusing only on how promises work. This can be a faster way to learn, as you won’t have the rest of the application’s complexity affecting your understanding.

  • Gradually Shift to "Top-Down" When Comfortable: As you continue building confidence, try to focus more on high-level function roles and less on details until they’re needed. The top-down approach—starting from the overall purpose, then diving into specifics only when necessary—can save time while helping you understand code structures at a broader level.

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